Tidewater Striders Distance Series

January - February 2006
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Distance Series montages coming soon!

Find your pictures from the Tidewater Striders Distance Series.
Look for your race montage after the final event if we have captured your moment at all three races in the Distance Series.

Pictures of the Tidewater Striders Distance Series

20k & 10k Run - January 7
Distance Series 10k & 20k Run
20k & 10k Run Photos
Shamrock Sportsfest - Marathon, Marathon Relay, 8k Run

Distance Series Montage

All montages will be adjusted for optimum printing to include color adjustment, cropping and centering of the individual race images. If you'd like a different picture substituted or other changes to the montage, please let us know.

25k & 10k Run - January 28
Distance Series 10k & 25k Run
25k & 10k Run Photos
30k & 10k Run - February 18
Distance Series 10k & 30k Run
30k & 10k Run Photos

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